Stagehand Camp: One High-School Student’s Takeaways – The Weidner

Stagehand Camp: One High-School Student’s Takeaways

Above: UW-Green Bay Stagehand Camp Students Pose with Instructors in front of Jeff Dunham Still Not Canceled Stage Set-up.

by Allison Mommaerts

While attending the UW-Green Bay Stagehand camp at The Weidner this July, I met and learned from experienced professionals in their field. Not only from the supportive Weidner Center staff but from seasoned Broadway and Touring Stage Managers, Tech Directors and Northeast Wisconsin Theater Tech Advocates. 

Through the week-long camp we learned many safety and professional skills in areas such as theater rigging, lighting, audio, management, upkeep and much more. All are skills that I am excited to apply to my work at my own high school PAC. 

The Weidner’s instructors – Corey, Mitchell, Matt, Paul, Nico and Mikey – offered wonderful support and hands on opportunities, encouraging questions and comfortability with any area that we discussed. Working and learning in a professional roadhouse theater gave me and my fellow campers an exclusive look and insight on what it takes to run successful productions, encouraging us to become familiar with other mentors and to explore different areas of theater and entertainment production. 

As a rare opportunity we as a group were able to experience and help with a real tour load in, setting up for the Jeff Dunham Still Not Canceled comedy tour. Being able to have hands-on professional theater experience as a high schooler, considering going into Theater Tech as a career, gave me so much more confidence and experience I hope to carry with me.